Restorative Dentistry – Sun City West, AZ

Restoring The Strength & Appearance of Damaged Teeth

Problems like dental decay and damage can have an impact on the health of your teeth as well as their appearance. No matter the cause of your dental issues, we can use helpful restorative dentistry in our Sun City West, AZ dental office, like dental crowns and tooth-colored fillings, to repair your pearly whites. We use high-quality dental materials that we can customize to match the rest of your teeth, making our restorations flawlessly blend with your entire smile.

man smiling Arizona Smile Design Sun City West, AZ

Why Choose Arizona Smile Design for Restorative Dentistry?


Dental Materials


Your Mouth



Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are customized to fit over the biting surface of damaged, broken, or severely misshapen teeth. They can be crafted from a variety of materials, but our patients typically prefer to have them made from customized and durable porcelain or ceramic, because they resemble natural enamel. When a crown is cemented over your tooth, it will provide it with lasting support and protection, so you can continue using it without experiencing discomfort.

restored tooth up close Arizona Smile Design Sun City West, AZ

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Cavities are one of the most common oral health problems in the nation. In the past, stopping these from spreading meant placing a bulky-looking and noticeable amalgam filling in the tooth. Today, we utilize a biocompatible, custom-shaded composite resin that offers long-term protection without drawing attention to the decayed area. Due to its natural appearance and ability to provide enhanced protection, you can feel confident in your smile while optimizing your oral health.

woman smiling during dental exam Arizona Smile Design Sun City West, AZ